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    ['underscore', 'complex'], 
    function(_, Complex) {

This helper function computes the coefficients of a polynomial from its roots, given by the parameter roots. Let these roots be denoted by $r_0, r_1, ..., r_n$, the coefficients by $a_0, a_1, ..., a_n$ and the polynomial by $P(z)$. Then $P(z)$ has degree $n$ and we can write $$P(z) = \prod_{i=0}^{n}(z - r_i) = \sum_{i=0}^{n}a_iz^i$$ Now we will compute $P(z)$ in $n$ iterations. To do so, first we define $$P_j(z) = \prod_{i=0}^{j}(z - r_i) = \sum_{i=0}^{j}a_{j,i}z^i$$ Observe that $P_0(z) = 1$, and $P_n(z) = P(z)$. The coefficients $a_{j,i}$ for these intermediate polynomials are then obtained from the following recurrence relation: $$a_{j,i} = \begin{cases} -a_{j-1,0}r_j &\mbox{if } i = 0 \\ a_{j-1,i-1} &\mbox{if } i = j \\ a_{j-1,i-1} - a_{j-1,i}r_j &\mbox{otherwise} \end{cases}$$

    function getPolynomialCoefficientsFromRoots(roots, coefficients) {
        if (coefficients === undefined) coefficients = [new Complex(1)];
        if (_.isEmpty(roots)) return coefficients;
        var root = _.first(roots);
        var k = coefficients.length;
        var newCoefficients = _.map(_.range(k + 1), function(n) {
            if      (n === 0)   return Complex.multiply(root.negation(), coefficients[0]);
            else if (n === k)   return _.last(coefficients);
            else                return Complex.subtract(coefficients[n - 1], Complex.multiply(root, coefficients[n]));
        return getPolynomialCoefficientsFromRoots(_.tail(roots), newCoefficients);

    var filter = {

        coefficients: [],
        history: null,
        poles: null,
        zeros: null,
        normalize: null,

        compute: function(settings) {

            var self = this;
            self.zeros = settings.zeros;
            self.poles = settings.poles;
            self.normalize = settings.normalize;

Get the polynomial coefficients from the poles and zeros.

            self.coefficients = {
                b: getPolynomialCoefficientsFromRoots(self.zeros).reverse(),
                a: getPolynomialCoefficientsFromRoots(self.poles).reverse()

Normalize the frequency response. A frequency and desired gain for this frequency is specified in the settings.normalize object. If no normalization object is specified we normalize DC to unity. The coefficients of the numerator polynomial are scaled to make sure the magnitude equals the desired gain at the specified frequency.

            self.normalize = settings.normalize || { frequency: 0, gain: 1 };
            var gain = self.normalize.gain / self.evaluateTransferFunction(Complex.exp(new Complex(0, self.normalize.frequency))).modulus();
            self.coefficients.b = _.map(self.coefficients.b, function(x) { return Complex.multiply(x, new Complex(gain)); });

Helper function that creates a zero filled array of size n.

            function zeroArray(n) {
                return Array.apply(null, new Array(n)).map(Number.prototype.valueOf, 0);

Create and initialize history buffers for the input and output signals.

            self.history = {
                left:  { x: zeroArray(self.coefficients.b.length), y: zeroArray(self.coefficients.a.length - 1) },
                right: { x: zeroArray(self.coefficients.b.length), y: zeroArray(self.coefficients.a.length - 1) }

            return self.coefficients;

Recomputes the filter coefficients based on updated zeros and poles.

        recompute: function() {
                zeros: this.zeros,
                poles: this.poles,
                normalize: this.normalize

Evaluates the transfer function at the complex number z and returns the result. The transfer function evaluated in the unit circle z $= e^{i\omega}$ with $\omega = -\pi$ to $+\pi$ gives us the frequency response.

        evaluateTransferFunction: function(z) {
            var self = this;
            var zInversePowers = [new Complex(1)];
            var zInverse = z.reciprocal();
            for (var i = 1; i < Math.max(self.coefficients.a.length, self.coefficients.b.length); i++) {
                zInversePowers.push(Complex.multiply(zInversePowers[i-1], zInverse));
            var iterator = function(sum, coefficient, i) {
                return Complex.add(sum, Complex.multiply(coefficient, zInversePowers[i]));
            var num = _.reduce(self.coefficients.b, iterator, new Complex(0));
            var den = _.reduce(self.coefficients.a, iterator, new Complex(0));
            return Complex.divide(num, den);

Processes a stereo sample frame using the filter coefficients.

        process: function(inLeft, inRight) {
            var self = this;

            var processChannel = function(sample, history) {
                var x = _.reduce(self.coefficients.b, function(sum, b, i) { return sum + b.real * history.x[i]; }, 0.0);
                var y = _.reduce(_.tail(self.coefficients.a), function(sum, a, i) { return sum + a.real * history.y[i]; }, 0.0);
                var output = x - y;
                return output;

            var out = {
                left:  processChannel(inLeft,  self.history.left),
                right: processChannel(inRight, self.history.right)

            return out;


    return filter;